Hello All! After a relaxing winter break at home, I came back to the firm on the 24th of last month. I was gone for about a month, and I have to say I missed a lot during that time!! Besides all the new rules to be learned in preparation of the new tax season, I came back to know that the firm is merged with Katz, Frantz & Co. LLC!! And the manager that recruited me during last season, Michael Kerwin, is been promoted to partner!  Congratulations to both the firm and the new partner!!

I was a little nervous about coming back right into the busy tax season fearing that I might not be able to keep up with the fast pace. But to my surprise, the atmosphere in the firm was not as intense compared to last year when I first came here. I guess I was given the time to be prepared for the crazy time that’s coming in the near future.

My first two weeks back in the firm I was mainly preparing tax returns, doing Trial Balance entries and catching up with what I have missed. All the work that I have been assigned was a good “reminder” of how to process everything including how to use different software. None of the tax returns given to me was too complicated so I could get used to the process again without feeling too overwhelmed. I also had chance to work on profitcents. It was my first time using it, so my coworker walked me through the whole process. It was really nice to see how the estimates and analysis are been made with profitcents. Almost one year after I started my internship here at Stephano Slack, and I am still learning new things everyday!


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