Hello all,
Today marks a big day for accounting firms across the country, the deadline for filing corporate tax returns. It’s somewhat of a big day around the office, everyone seems to have a huge burden removed knowing that the more difficult portion of busy season will soon be behind. Here at Stephano Slack, they do a great job planning around the deadlines to guarantee March 15th will be a worry-free day. It’s also a big day for us interns, March 15th is the first day of spring break and for some of us that means a week to step away from the textbooks with midterms in the past and focus on the real life application of what we’ve been learning in the classroom.
With only four weeks left in busy season, the manila folders that hold client tax documents consume the office. It’s impossible to find a desk without one on it. Although this is my second busy season I’m still finding there are plenty of things to learn about tax preparation and the software we use. This year I have taken on more returns than last. It’s helped out a lot and I’m finding new things every day with each one I prepare. I’ve worked with partnerships, parent and subsidiary companies, and various individual tax returns. You’re exposed to different things in every return so it’s been interesting to have the opportunity to see what goes into the return. It’s been one big learning experience and I’m excited to see what’s next.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day everyone.
Until next time…
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