Last Fall, Stephano Slack’s Best Places to Work Committee felt that organized community service opportunities would help us further build team camaraderie while giving back. We formed a Service Team, led by Senior Tax Accountant Andrew Block, to launch the new initiative.

The Special Olympics is nothing new to Stephano Slack for partners Jolie Karp and Ralph Cetrulo are active in local chapters. The 28th Special Olympics Fall Festival was chosen as our first planned service event. It is hosted and organized by Villanova University students, and is the largest annual student-run Special Olympics event in the world! For one weekend each year, Villanova University opens its campus up to over 1,000 athletes, 400 coaches, and 2,000 volunteers to host six sports as well as opening/closing ceremonies and additional fun events.

The firm employees eagerly anticipated the day. On November 4th, many members of Stephano Slack arrived at Villanova University for the Special Olympics and were assigned to assist players in the volleyball competition. The stadium was filled with positive energy and team spirit. It was such an incredible weekend, we’re still not sure whether the athletes or the firm volunteers enjoyed the day more.

Fall Festival was a great start to the firm’s service initiative, and we’re planning a calendar full of many more for the year to come. 




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