Two weeks have already flown by since my last post, which people liked enough that they figured I was cool enough to write another one.
Today’s topic: Cinnabon. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a company that makes the best cinnamon rolls ever, which I can guarantee is as true as the fact that assets equal liabilities plus equity.
Okay, I’m kidding. I’m not writing about Cinnabon, though that is a totally worthy blog post topic. I’m actually writing about Jay Brooks, Senior A&A Manager, who also coincidentally can be talked into getting Cinnabon with you after lunch when you’re out at a client. This is just one of the many reasons (besides the wealth of accounting knowledge you’ll obtain) that students should intern and eventually work here – everyone loves food as much as, if not more than, accounting.
Anyways, I’ve actually had a couple of lunches with Jay over the past two weeks, between lunch breaks while working at a client’s New Jersey office, and the actual scheduled lunch for this blog post.
I mostly bother Jay (all the time) with various accounting-related questions and lunch is really no different. If you know one thing about Jay, it’s that he can’t walk through the office without someone stopping him with a question, so he knows a lot, which again, is why I bug him with a lot of questions. We talked a lot about jobs I’m on, what I’ve had a chance to work on, and he even asked me if there was anything I haven’t worked on that I would like to. Of course, I’ll pretty much work on anything because it’s all new to me and I want to learn everything, but it was nice to be asked what I thought.
I got the chance to learn that he’s been with the firm for about 9 years now, since he was an intern, which obviously speaks a lot to the culture here, that someone would want to start and grow their career here. I also got his advice on the CPA exam. And by advice, I mean he reminded me that I only have to pass it, because me being me, I want to blow that exam out of the water.
As I’m going to ask everyone, I asked Jay what he would be if he was crazy enough not to be an accountant, and his answer was, “A park ranger. You know, just hanging out in the woods.” I can’t decide if I like his answer or Jing’s answer on being a crazy cat lady better, but I may just have to take a firm-wide vote on best answer to this question after all of these lunches. So don’t stop reading!
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