UPDATE: Potential New Effective date for New Lease Accounting

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – 2019 Changes

There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.  -Winston Churchill 2018 was definitely a unique tax year given the numerous tax law changes brought about by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  Although not nearly the amount of changes we...
UPDATE: Potential New Effective date for New Lease Accounting

Stephano Slack Sponsors Special Olympics of Delaware

On June 14th, Stephano Slack once again volunteered at the Special Olympics of Delaware. Participating in this event has become a tradition for our firm, so much so that this year we are proud to announce that we were sponsors!  Our employees volunteered to...
UPDATE: Potential New Effective date for New Lease Accounting

Common Audit Deficiencies and How to Combat Them

Throughout the audit process, auditors see consistency in deficiencies from job to job. Below, we identify common areas where errors arise and how to minimize the effect on having them occur year after year. Lack of Support Evidence Organization and proper filing of...
UPDATE: Potential New Effective date for New Lease Accounting

Customers, Expenses, and Employees, Oh My!

Fret not – for many business processes, you can find an app to track it. We get it, running a business can oftentimes be overwhelming.  For business owners who are trying to maximize efforts in growing their business, processes such as invoicing, bill and...
UPDATE: Potential New Effective date for New Lease Accounting

Preparing for New Lease Accounting

In 2016, The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued a major change to the accounting rules for leases. The new rules and regulations for leases will go into effect for nonpublic companies starting after December 31, 2019. Before the new standards go into...
UPDATE: Potential New Effective date for New Lease Accounting

Easy Excel Tips to Boost Your Productivity

Status Bar – Whenever you highlight a range of numbers, the status bar at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet will provide you some useful information such as the sum, the average, and the total count of numbers. Many people know about the status bar, but did you know...
UPDATE: Potential New Effective date for New Lease Accounting

The End of LIBOR?!

London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), the number that currently has over $350 trillion in debt tied to it, is currently set to be phased out and replaced by the end of 2021. The projected alternative is Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), which went live in...
UPDATE: Potential New Effective date for New Lease Accounting

Is Cloud-Based Accounting Software Best for Me?

One of the biggest questions that arises when starting a business is: what accounting software is the best option for me? With the ever changing technology in today’s world, it is important to keep up with the latest technology to ensure you are utilizing available...
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