Is Your Worker an Employee or Independent Contractor?

Is Your Worker an Employee or Independent Contractor?

This age old question is one to reevaluate on a regular basis within your company if you are paying workers under a 1099 contract. Why is this so important? If you, the business, are paying a worker as an independent contractor, you are not responsible for any...
Is Your Worker an Employee or Independent Contractor?

401(k) Audit Preparation and Compliance with DOL Guidelines

Who is Required to have a 401(k) Audit and Why is it Important? Any employer who elects the 80/120 rule who has over 120 eligible employees at the beginning of the plan year is required to have an audit for that period. The Plan will then be required to have an audit...
Is Your Worker an Employee or Independent Contractor?

Federal Withholding Checkup

With the summer months coming to an end, it is a good time to review your federal withholding exemptions to determine if adjustments need to be made. Early in 2018 the federal withholding tables were adjusted to reflect changes made with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. ...
Is Your Worker an Employee or Independent Contractor?

Tax Imposed on Delaware Series LLCs

Delaware legislation has authorized the formation of series limited liability companies. Beginning August 1, 2019, registered DE series LLCs will have an annual tax imposed. A series LLC is a unique entity that consists of separate, individual interests.  In Delaware,...
Is Your Worker an Employee or Independent Contractor?

The “Real World”

Hello, again! Growing up, I was always scared of the term, the “real world,” but this position has shown me that it is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, now I feel much more confident and professional. This internship has given me incredible insight to what...
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