Jolie B. Karp, CPA
Client trust and satisfaction are at the top of Jolie’s priority list. Responsible for the firm’s quality control, she maintains a strict “follow-up and follow through” attention to ensure the best interests of both the firm and each and every client it serves.
With more than 25 years of vast experience working in multiple specialties, including attestation services, financial reporting, operational management, mergers and acquisitions, forecasts and projections, and technical quality review, Jolie’s creative problem-solving skills, as well as her wisdom and passion for excellence, is unparalleled. Her energy and competitive spirit is immeasurable.
She considers her partnership at Stephano Slack—a firm with the visionary outlook necessary to fully utilize her boundless professional energy and proactive mindset—one of her greatest business successes.
Jolie holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from Bryant College (Bryant University). She currently lives in Downingtown, Pennsylvania with her family and dogs.